2nd April 2020 08:05 p.m (IST) Develop or Die In our daily mundane lives we never ever give a single thought about the extra-terrestrial life just like the native Indians in central america never thought of European settlers the so called "Explorer's"coming to their land an then throwing them out of the picture not just because of any hate, but just because "They can so they did" either for more profits or for better efficient system for themselves. Think what if someday we all humans get a visitor - an alien Columbus with its troop of hundreds others, then what options are we left with? Lets discuss this today. So according to soviet astronomer - Nikolai Kardashev, We can measure the technological advancement of a particular civilization based on the amount of energy they are able to use. He called this scale - KARDASHEV SCALE, and according to this we can group all alien civilization into 3 groups. A Type I civilization , also ca...
28th March, 2020 Saturday 05:15 p.m (IST) Life that matters . Scientists, philosophers and many great thinkers have consumed their whole lives in search for meaning of life.To understand the answer, We have to understand why we care about this question in first place or why only humans care to find the answer? We Sapiens have great power of imagination and its the one of the most important power we have, followed by emotional intelligence and cooperation. We learn from our past and we plan for our future while living in present. Its been rightly said that our mind is itself "a time travelling machine"- one second we can reconcile our memory from our childhood and the other second we can think for an event going to happen in few weeks and this power of jumping in from past to present to future has given us the natural curiosity to understand everything around and to relate it with our past, present and future. Like for e.g. If a hunter/forager luckily gets ...